- spandex
- dried bean/s
- plushy bat doll/s
- yarn
- cabbage/s
- lab chair/s
- padlock/s
- magnifying glass/es
- paper clip/s
My idea is to use a magnifying glass to play a brightness "match up" game. The setup will consist an arduino, a LED light, a photo sensor, magnifying glass and resistors that goes with the setup. The LED lights will have 4 different brightness mode. When the LED lights, the player will turn the magnifying glass so that the focal point of the light is on the photo sensor.
In the beginning of the game, the player will go through a "tutorial" by walking through the player on calibrating four brightness modes. When the game starts, the player must adjust the magnifying glass as fast as possible to match the brightness of the LED light.
The game will also support multi-player by having multiple rows of LED's installed. Each player will pick a spot (row of LED's) and take turn on playing the game. The higher score a player gets, the more LED's will light up on his/her row.